Class 10 important questions

1. Write 3 process of Photosynthesis

2. Explain the process of digestion

3. Explain the working of heart

4. Draw the diagram of human excretory
5. Veins and artaries

6 Diffence between transportation and

7. Blood and lymph

8. Different method of Contraception

9. Advantages of  (i) sexual reproduction.
                                (ii) Asexual reproduction.

10. why does menstruation in human
 female ? Problems associated.

11. Types of reproduction in liesmania and plasmadiam

12. Implantation

13. Double fertilization (in flowring plant

14. function of seminal Vesicle
and prostate glard

15. How carrt and radish are homologus Organ

16. How is the equal genetic Contribution of male and female parents insured in Progeny

17. Blood group (A.B.O)

18. Advantages of using Solar cell
and Biogas

19. 3 harmful effects of using
polethene bag on in environment

20. why do we need to manage our resources ?