Most important topics of biology for class 12th

Most important topics of biology for class 12th

Complete details about most important topics which ask cbse board in board exam as well as compartment exams


1. Reproduction in organism


      . Sexual and asexual reproduction

      . Types of reproduction

      . What is clone

      . Fertilization

      . Gamete

      . Binary fission, sporulation budding,

        Gammule formation ,fragmentation,

        Vegetative propagation in plants

      . Gertilization event



2.  Sexual reproduction in plant

      . Structure of flower

      . Types of pollination

      . Development of male and female gametophytes

      . Double fertilization

      . Pollen - pistil – intraction

      . Development of endosperm, embryo, seed   

        and formation of fruit

      . Parthenocarpic fruit



3. Human reproduction

      . Male and female reproductive system

      . Microscopic anatomy of testis and ovary

      . Gametogenesis – spermatogenesis and oogenesis

      . Menstrual cycle , fertilization

      . Embryo development upto blastocyst formation , implantation

      . Pregnancy and placenta formation

      . Lactation



4. Reproductive health

    . Need for reproductive health and prevention of sexually transmitted disease (STDS)

   . Birth control – need and methods

   . Contraception and medical termination of pregnancy

   . Infertility and assisted reproductive technology



5.  Principles of inheritance and variation

     . Heredity and variation : mendelian inheritance

    . Deviation from mendelism –

    . Incomplete dominance , Co – dominance, multiple alleles and inheritance of blood group

    . Chromosome theory of inheritance

    . Genes

    . Sex determination – in humans, birds, honey bee

    . Crossing over

    . Haemophilia , colour blindness

    . Chromosomal disorders in human

    . Down’s syndrome , turner’s syndrome



6.  Molecular basis of inheritance

     . D.N.A as genetic material

     . structure of D.N.A and R.N.A

     .  D.N.A packaging , D.N.A replication

     .  Genetic code

     .  Genome,  human and rice genome poject

     .  D.N.A finger printing




       . Biological evolution and evidances for biological evolution

       . darwin’s theory

       . Modern theory of evolution synthesis

       . Types of natural selection

       . Hardy-weinberg’s law

       . Adaptative radiation

       . Human evolution

8. Human health and disease

       . Pathogens: Parasites causing human diseases and their control

       . Vaccines , cancer, HIV and AIDS

    . drugs and alcohol



9.  Strategies for enhancement in food production

        . Improvement in food production

        . Plant breeding

        . Tissue culture

        . Single cell protein

        . Animal husbandary



10.     Microbes in human welfare

        . Household food processing

        . Industrial products

        . Production of biogas

        . Biocontrol agents and biofertilizers



11.     Biotechnology: Principal and process

          . Recombinant D.N.A technology



12.     Biotechnology and  its application

              . Human insulin

              . Vaccine production

              . Stem cell technology

              . Gene therapy

              . BT crops , biosafety issues



13.     Organism and population

          . Organism and environment

          . Population and ecological adaptation

          . Population attributes – Growth rate , birth rate and death rate , age distribution



14.     Ecosystem

                . Ecosystem – pattern , components

              . productivity and decomposition

              . Energy flow , pyramid of number, biomass energy

              . Carbon fixation, pollination , seed dispersal



15.     Biodiversity and conservation

              . Pattern of biodiversity

              . Hotspot

              . Red data book



16.     Environmental issues

             . Air pollution and its control

             . Water pollution and its control

             . Radioactive waste management

             . Greenhouse effect and climate change

             . Ozone layer depletion


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