Most important topics of chemistry for class 12

 Most important topics for class 12th Chemistry

Chemistry most important topics of compartment for class 12th 

Chapter wise important topics of chemistry – 

1 . Solution

     . Mole fraction 

      . Molality and Molarity

      .difference b/w ideal solution and non ideal  solution

      .ideal solution 

      . Non ideal solution

      . Rault’s law , henary’s law ,Osmotic pressure 

      . colligative properties , Vapour pressure

2 . Electrochemistry

      . Concept of E.M.F  and NERST equation

       . Faraday’s law 

       . Fuel cell , Primary cell , Secondary cell 

3. Chemical kinetics

Rate order and molecularity with zero 

       Intex – 4.3 , 4.4 , 4.6 

       Exercise – 4.2 , 4.3 , 4.9 , 4.11, 4.14, 4.16 , 4.17 , 4.18  4.19 , 4.20 , 4.20


     Activation energy and Arrhenius equation effect of tem. On act

     Exercise -  4.23 , 4.26, to 4.30


4. Surface chemistry

 . Adsorption , Sorption 

 . difference B/W physiosorption and chemosorption 

 . Colloids , sol- gel- emulsion , Dialysis, tyndall effect , 

    Brownian movements , Zeta- potential , 

5. P Block  Elements

     . Interhalogen compound 

     . trend in group-17 , 18

     . compound of xenon ( structure)

     . Oxaacid of sulphure

6 . D Block Elements

       . General properties of d- block elements

7. D and F block elements

     . Lanthenide , Actenide contraction

8.Coordination Compound

       . I.U.P.A.C

       . Isomer – cis – trans isomer 

       . V.B.T , C.F.T


9. Haloalkanes and Haloarenes   

    . I.U.P.A.C

    . Frinkelestein reaction 

    . swarts reaction 

    . wurtz – fittig reaction

                Chemical reaction -  SN1 , SN2 reaction , chirality, optical activity , racmisetion , retention , inversion

10. Alcohol , Phenol and Ether

         . Mechanism of hydration

         . dehydration 

         . Properties

11. Aldehydes , Ketones and Carboxylic acid

        . Naming reaction

        . mechanism of asterification

        . I.U.P.A.C

        .  Trend

12. Amines

      . Gatterman reaction

      . sandmeyar reaction

      . conversion


13. Biomolecules

        . carbohydrate

        . chemical properties of glucose 

        . D.N.A , R.N.A

        . Vitamins

        . Exercise

14. Polymers

         . structure of polymer and monomers

         . exercise

15. Chemistry everyday in life

        . Properties of enzymes 

        . medicines 


    . soap , ditergent

    . exercise


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